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The cybersecurity risk assessment for cyber insurance

The cyber insurance broker dashboard

An integrated cyber risk management journey for client, broker, and insurer

See and manage cyber risk across your book, help clients remediate risk, auto-fill prop forms, and issue certification, all in one place.

The Cyber3 dashboard allows for seamless navigation, providing brokers and (re)insurers a user-friendly experience with straightforward results. The service equips the cyber market with a unique solution, offering transparency over cyber risk that is translatable to clients, alongside clear remediation strategies. With automated prop form generation you can save time, reduce client friction, and build strong policyholder relationships, all from one platform.

Insurers & brokers

Monitor risk across your book

See specific areas of client risk

Auto-fill prop forms

Certify your clients


View cyber risk score

Track remediation progress

Scan for vulnerabilities

Prove cyber resilience

Watch the video demonstration:

Cyber insurance risk assessment

Cyber3 is the only cyber risk assessment designed specifically for the cyber insurance market


Precise client risk data for a more profitable book

The assessment involves key stakeholders from across a business, and looks at both the inside-out and outside-in perspectives, insuring accurate data is collected, and a precise report issued.


Auto-fill insurance prop forms with a single click

The assessment questions align with those asked by underwriters, meaning the answers can be automatically filled onto a range of leading insurers' prop forms.


Client & insurer dashboards to track and remediate risks

Unique dashboards providing both summary and detailed level insights into client cyber security. Find, manage, and remediate risk from this one platform.

Aviva Storm Guidance insurance partner

The safety and security of private and sensitive data is high on all businesses agendas. Aviva provides support to customers to understand their cyber exposures and working with STORM, who are experts in cyber risk and analysis, we are able to deliver risk insights and cyber security solutions to help protect our customers and their businesses.

Justin Linney, Head of Risk Management - Aviva Insurance

Frequently asked questions

What makes Cyber3 a unique and superior cyber insurance risk assessment?

  • How do we provide cyber insurers with the information and assurance they need?
    Cyber3 is the only assessment designed from the perspective of a cyber insurance underwriter. Alleviating the problematic back-and-forth of ‘prop form tennis’, the assessment incorporates questions asked by leading insurance underwriters, obtaining vital information, and generating proposal forms. The assessment is based on cyber security and data privacy standards and best-practice, including ISO 27001/27701, PCI DSS, NIST, ENISA, etc.
  • How does it reduce the time to turnaround a cyber insurance prop form?
    A Cyber3 assessment is carried out with a client's key stakeholders, ensuring all relevant department heads are in attendance. Covering the key requirements of leading cyber insurance underwriters, the unique assessment allows clients to merge the results into the insurer prop form of their choice. Using this method, prop forms are automatically generated, avoiding the lengthy delays associated with gathering information from clients' IT and Finance departments, and board of directors.
  • How do we ensure the cyber risk assessment is aligned to current risks?
    Our team includes the best cyber professionals in digital investigation, incident coordination, risk management, cyber consultancy, banking security, industrial control systems, IT forensics, and law enforcement. Together, we have helped thousands of clients recover from all aspects of cybercrime, and use our extensive experience to focus on, and continuously build our knowledge of cyber risk.
  • How do we minimise disruption yet still provide a comprehensive service?
    Cyber3 is the perfect blend of adaptive automation and one-to-one interaction with a specialist assessor, all designed to maximise a comprehensive understanding of Cyber Risk Management Maturity (CRMM), whilst minimising the back-and-fourth of completing prop forms.
  • Why is this cybersecurity risk assessment so comprehensive?
    Cyber3 evaluates an organisation's security vulnerabilities, domains, online systems, and much more, giving a complete overview of a company's ‘outside-in’ and ‘inside-out’ cyber risk profile. Giving an in-depth understanding of maturity in five key areas of risk management: People, Processes, Technology, Vendor Management, and Data Asset Awareness, our report is equivalent to a cybersecurity review from one of the big four accounting firms at a significantly lower cost.
  • How do we include client, broker and insurer in an integrated journey?
    Cyber3 closes the loop in the risk management cycle with useful client metrics and engagement. The new streamlined approach was thoroughly tried and tested, with improved results in time, smoothness of operation, and clarification of results, across both client and broker platforms. The unique dashboards provide both summary and detailed level insights into client cyber risk, mitigation progress, and resilience, allowing for easy monitoring across your book. Providing a powerful tool for relationship building, Cyber3 helps you to get the best insurance quotes for your clients.

Cyber risk management maturity

The steps towards improving Cyber Risk Management Maturity (CRMM)

Managing cyber risk is a complicated task due to the intricacies of IT and its many uses

We have aligned the myriad of pertinent cyber risks to five key Cyber Risk Management Maturity (CRMM) measurements: People, Processes, Technology, Data Asset Awareness, and Vendor Management. Managing your CRMM score is the path to comprehensive cyber resilience.

Preparing for assessment

Client concerned about cyber risks but doesn’t know where to start...

Client and broker discuss how to obtain clarity and best cover

Broker introduces client to Cyber3: Rapid Risk Review

Client books assessment online; all necessary info is given for facilitation

Assessment delivery

Assessment results

Broker can view client assessment results and prop form

Insurer can view client assessment results and application form

Client results and remediation can be considered when determining cover

Policy is bound, client is covered

Client, broker, and insurer can track any remediation required as subjectivity

Re-assessment can be booked & delivered prior to renewal 

Client can optionally merge results into cyber insurance prop form

Client onboarded to Cyber3 platform to view results and manage remediation

Post-assessment completion of tailored report and certification

Client given immediate results at close of assessment session

STORM expert delivers assessment via web meeting using Cyber3 platform

Cyber insurance partners

STORM Guidance partner with some of the worlds leading cyber insurance firms

Cyber3 is an integral component of the STORM Guidance framework, helping some of the world’s leading underwriters, brokers, and their customers with risk management.

Request a demo of our cybersecurity risk assessment

To request a demonstration or find out more about our Cyber3 assessment, contact our cyber security specialists today:

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